This Bridge Beach Model 888 Stove is an exceptional example of vintage craftsmanship.
We list vintage cast iron in many forms to help the novice collector. See details below the image.

Images were submitted by Ron Hale of Missouri. He states:
This is a Model 888. To our knowledge this particular stove was sold local in St Louis, and has always been in this local area.
I found it at an Estate Sale. Dismantled, down in the basement. After inventorying pieces I believe I have nearly all the parts. The only piece that seems to be missing, is a part on the back, that connects to the flue pipe. I would love to find that part. Please contact me if you know of a source. [Contact through this websites email]
I had all the chrome redone and am reassembling the stove. Plans are to place the stove in a country home setting, at some point, in rural southeast Missouri. -Ron Hale
On a personal note [Admin] There was a working wood stove in our house when I was in 5th grade. It was used for heat and cooking. From what I recall it was fired with coal though. I was tagged to dump the ash drawer and “clinkers”.
Later in life I also spent time in several cabins that had working wood stoves. I have also used some vintage gas/propane stoves. Even ran a wood furnace in one of my homes as an adult.
This is the first combo I have ever seen.
Note from Admins: If any of our readers have more specific information, like when this stove was produced, retail price back then, etc. Or stories from family members that had one of these. Certainly more photos. We would certainly appreciate you sharing any and all info you might have.